Daily Audit

U.S. Caught Plotting Ukraine Coup

In a leaked phone call between U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt and Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, also the wife of notorious neoconservative Robert Kagan, the two are heard planning a coup to overthrow the Russian-friendly president and install a leader who will be more sympathetic to the west.  The clip gained mainstream attention because of Nuland’s use of the F-word when she says “F*** the EU”, but the media mainly ignored the real content, which was the U.S. planning one of the most blatant coups in history, one that has led to years of civil war and violence in Ukraine.

Bolton Advocates Lying about War

Here’s John Bolton, current National Security Adviser to Donald Trump, brazenly proclaiming in 2010 that given the opportunity, he would disregard his constitutional oath and lie to the American people if he felt it necessary.  Bolton, one of the most unabashed warmongers around, was one of the primary peddlers of lies and disinformation that led to the Iraq war, and can now be seen leading the charge for military confrontation with Venezuela, Iran, and North Korea, among other countries he would be glad to get his hands on.  The idea that government must not only withhold secret information, but actively mislead the American public in order to keep us safe is one of the primary fallacies used by powerful elites like Bolton to maintain and expand a perpetual global military empire.

(Read more on Bolton interview from Caitlin Johnstone)

Cotton Promises Winnable Iran War

Here’s Tom Cotton, one of the most hawkish members of the U.S. Senate, claiming that America could defeat Iran in a war with “two strikes, the first strike and the last strike.”  As the Trump administration continues to ratchet up tensions with Iran, warmongers like Cotton are coming out of the woodwork to discuss possible military intervention, even a “first strike”, against a third world nation halfway across the globe that could not possibly threaten the national security of the U.S.  As was the case in the build up to the Iraq War in 2002 and 2003, war proponents like Cotton are quick to assure Americans that a war against Iran would be quick and easy. Neoconservative leader Bill Kristol claimed Iraq would be a “two-month war”.  It ended up lasting 8 years officially and America remains militarily involved there.  Iran is four times the size of Iraq with twice its population and has shown no signs that they would wilt easily to a U.S. invasion.

Lies, Propaganda Lead to Persian Gulf War

This testimony from a young girl claiming that Iraqi soldiers had thrown Kuwaiti babies out of incubators and left them to die was one of the key factors leading to U.S. entry into the first Gulf War.  The testimony was later discovered to be completely fabricated and paid for by public relations firms and the girl was the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S. The first Iraq war was not the first and not the last American war that was entered into largely under false pretenses.  Despite countless examples of Americans being lied into wars, the U.S. media are still more than happy to accept any claims they hear from government officials as gospel, meanwhile those who question the mainstream assertions, such as that Assad gassed his own people in Syria, Trump colluded with Putin to hack the U.S. election or Iran is the greatest state sponsor of terror in the world, are dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

Netanyahu Exploits U.S. Support

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu gets unknowingly caught on tape responding to concerns that Israel will be seen as conquerors if they continue to wage violence against the Palestinians.  Netanyahu is not worried about a negative response from the world community and the U.S. because “America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction. 80% of Americans support us, it’s absurd.”  Unconditional U.S. support for Israel is one of the primary enablers of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. While the majority of the world community condemns Israeli crimes against the Palestinians, including their illegal occupation of the West Bank and perpetual war crimes against the people of the Gaza strip, America continues to provide weapons and aid, ensuring the Israelis have no incentive to pursue a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Media Botches Russiagate

The Trump/Russia scandal has been an ongoing, nearly three-year saga that finally concluded with the Mueller Report showing no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.  This accusations that Trump was a secret agent of the Kremlin have been shamelessly promoted by the mainstream media, as all skeptical opinions and contrarian evidence has been ignored, shunned, and even labeled as treasonous.  The groupthink and unquestioning acceptance of the Russiagate narrative is similar to how the entire establishment fell in line behind the false assertions that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction in 2002-2003 in the push towards the disastrous Iraq War.  

Ron Paul Schools Giuliani

Here’s Ron Paul explaining the concept of “blowback”, that sometimes if you attack somebody else they get mad and attack you back, to the utter shock and outrage of Rudy Giuliani and the rest of the field of Republican presidential candidates.  For these great defenders of national security, the only conceivable explanation for why foreigners from a region that has lived under U.S. bombing, occupation, and sanctions for 20+ years would want to attack America is that they hate freedom, mini skirts, R-rated movies, and the fact that women go to school.

Pompeo Lies, Cheats, and Steals

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gleefully states that as CIA director, “We lied, we cheated, we stole” to applause and amusement from the audience.  The CIA is an organization that operates openly on tactics of deceit, secrecy, and dishonesty and yet anyone who questions the legitimacy of claims made by the CIA and others in the so-called “intelligence community” about U.S. foreign policy or Russian collusion is liable to be smeared by the establishment media and political class as treasonous or un-American.

Albright Thinks Price Was Worth It

Throughout the 1990s, the United States led a devastating economic sanctions campaign against Iraq that led to the deaths of an estimated 500,000 Iraqi children.  The sanctions were sold as a method of putting pressure on Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in order to force him to give up the weapons of mass destruction America was convinced he had, despite the fact that UN inspectors knew for a fact that Hussein’s weapons had been destroyed by 1995.  However, instead of allowing the UN to officially certify Iraq as WMD-free and lift the sanctions that had killed an estimated 500,000 children, UN Ambassador and later Secretary of State under Bill Clinton Madeline Albright insisted that the sanctions remain as a tool to intentionally starve the people of Iraq to the point that they would rise up and overthrow Hussein to give the Americans the regime change they were so desperate for.  She famously stated that the estimated 500,000 deaths was a price that was “worth it”.

The Surge Didn’t Work

Here’s Barack Obama confirming the prevailing opinion that the 2007 Iraq troop surge was successful.  “The surge worked” was a popular slogan that was parroted by mainstream pundits and politicians, despite the fact that the stated goal of the surge, to reconcile the competing factions through a democratic parliamentary system, was never met.  Instead, the surge of U.S. troops helped the Shi’a that America had put in power ethnically cleanse the capital city of their Sunni opposition and completely isolate them from the power center in Baghdad. Obama would use the supposed success of the Iraq surge to justify a surge of his own in Afghanistan once President, a policy that proved to be equally if not more disastrous than the Iraq surge.