The United States spent $610 billion on its military in 2018, more than the next seven countries combined and nearly ten times more than Russia. There are nearly 200,000 U.S. troops deployed around the world in over 150 countries and the U.S. has nearly 800 military bases in over 60 countries.
The United States are officially involved in wars in seven different countries: Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and Niger, according to the White House. This does not include conflicts where the U.S. is involved non-militarily by providing weapons, training, aid, or other forms of covert assistance, like in Ukraine and more recently, in Venezuela.
America is in any sense of the word, an empire…
The Iraq War (2003-2011)
The Iraq War is the defining foreign policy atrocity of the 21st century. It was launched on a plethora of obvious and outlandish lies and the devastating consequences of the war continue to drive America’s calamitous foreign policy in the region today.
Pre-World War II Era (1776-1945)
The founders, the Constitution, Non-Invervention, World War I, World War II, and the beginning stages of U.S. Empire
Cold War Era (1945 - 1991)
The Cold War, Vietnam, Korea, and the rise of the American Bureaucratic War Apparatus and the Military-Industrial Complex